Structural Podiatry/ Manual Therapy
This is a gentle therapy which can be used to help relieve symptoms of painful, stiff joints and improve mobility and joint function.
It is a “hands on” treatment using techniques that are similar to the manual therapy techniques used by Chiropractors, Osteopaths and Physiotherapists.
Podiatrists have expertise in diagnosing, assessing and treating foot related problems and Matthew has been specially trained in using manual therapy to provide the very best outcomes for those patients that are suitable for this type of treatment.
Matthew has undertaken extensive training in this modality having attended seminars, courses and having had specialist one on one training by world renowned Podiatrist and manual therapist Ted Jedynak and his team at the Foot and Leg Centre in Adelaide.
Since completing his training he has been perfecting his skills which allows him to offer an alternative approach for patients who have reduced joint mobility and suffer from painful stiff joints in the lower limb and specifically the foot and ankle.
Patients that have benefited from this treatment have been less dependent on orthotics, had greater freedom in footwear selection and have even avoided surgery.
He has successfully used manual therapy to help people that can’t wear orthotics or often prefer to go barefoot.
Are you suitable for this type of therapy?
If your feet feel tired, stiff, achy and the joints feel ‘locked up” then there is an excellent chance that you will get significant benefits from manual therapy.
Matthew will provide a thorough assessment which will include some or all of the following;
- Muscle strength and flexibility
- Feel, quality and range of motion of the joints of the foot, ankle,knee and hip.
- Static examination of posture
- Gait analysis
- Referral for weight bearing foot and ankle x-rays (these are bulk billed)
- Referral for diagnostic ultrasound (if clinically required)
A comprehensive treatment plan will be formulated and if he decides that you would benefit from this form of therapy a series of hands on gentle mobilisations and manipulations of the affected joints is performed using a set protocol.
Very easy, simple to perform exercises are prescribed to accompany the manual therapy. Patients are provided with clear instructions and video links to the exercises which will specifically target the problematic area. The exercises only take a few minutes each day and can be done whilst watching TV, reading or even cleaning your teeth!!
If you are fed up of foot pain, tired or achy feet Matthew can help.

Burleigh Osteopathic Clinic:
07 5568 7010

3/31 Connor Street,
Burleigh Heads, Qld 4220