Information Sheets: Bunions
Bunions are lumps of bone or tissue that form around a joint, usually between the big toe and the base of the foot or in the little toe(often called Tailor's Bunions). While most bunions are genetic and are a problem that affect both young and old, they become worse with age, both in size and severity. As a bunion grows, it impacts on the other toes of the foot, forcing the bones of the other toes into uncomfortable and unnatural angles to accommodate the growth. This can have a huge impact on comfort — particularly as bunions can make wearing shoes very uncomfortable — and on your ability to walk.
At their most benign, bunions cause discomfort and can make shoes feel very tight as the front of the foot is made wider by the growth. If left untreated, bunions can have major complications for overall health by changing the way you walk to compensate for the deformity and by placing increased pressure on other parts of the foot. With the big toe pushed inwards by the bunion, the toe can be forced up and become hammer toed. With toes pushed into un-natural positions other injuries such as blisters, corns and calluses can develop due to rubbing from shoes and the like. These sorts of irritations can easily become
infected, leading to more severe problems on top of the problem of the bunion itself.
Treatment is available to reduce and remove bunions. Caught early, bunion growth can be slowed. Manual therapy using mobilisation and gentle manipulation techniques along with a structured,simple exercise plan can work really well to improve function and reduce deformity. As a long term approach the fitting of orthotic innersoles can provide support for the feet and ease the pressure on the problem joints. Avoiding wearing pointy, constrictive shoes that are narrow in the toe box can help reduce pain and slow down the deformity. Sometimes surgical intevention is necessary. If you are concerned see Matthew for an assessment and he will explain the various treatment options and work out a comprehensive treatment plan to help keep your feet healthy and happy. Don't put up with pain and worry! Book an appointment today!

Burleigh Osteopathic Clinic:
07 5568 7010

3/31 Connor Street,
Burleigh Heads, Qld 4220