Services: Shoe Advice and Modifications
Good footwear is vital for healthy feet. Matthew can recommend the correct style of footwear for the activity involved. Whether it is for a particular sport, work footwear or for casual wear, Matthew can provide you with advice and information you need in order to prevent foot related problems.
He is a Veteran’s Affairs medical grade footwear prescriber and after many years on the Gold Coast he has established a good rapport with many sports shoe retailers and general shoe shops. He also works closely with a local Pedorthotists (specially trained shoe maker) to ensure that his patients with more challenging foot problems find suitable, comfortable shoes.
As well as prescribing in shoe orthotics and innersoles he can use various types of padding to alleviate or improve foot pain.

Burleigh Osteopathic Clinic:
07 5568 7010

3/31 Connor Street,
Burleigh Heads, Qld 4220